Lodi Community Art Center Robison Studio
How to set up a class
Welcome! Thank you for inquiring about having a class/workshop in our studio. Please follow these steps:
1. Reserving Class Dates: Contact Renée Rondon at (209) 608-1188 or paintinglady2012@gmail.com to confirm the date(s) and time(s) you’d like to have a class. If the date is available in the studio, she’ll confirm with you and reserve the studio. She’ll want to know what kind of class you’re having such as watercolor, oil, crafts etc.
2. Class Information: You will send the following information, in the order listed below, to our webmaster, Sylvia Chavez at schavez3205@gmail.com and Nina Boyd at ninaboydart@gmail.com . In the email subject line indicate it’s for LCAC and class name:
Class Title:
Class Audience:
Class Experience Level:
Class Size:
Workshop Fees:
How to Register:
Required Supplies:
Instructor Contact Info:
3. Photo(s): You’ll need a photo of the project or something representative of it. This shows potential participants what the class is about. The photo will be used on our website, and on flyers that you make for the gallery. You will email the photo to Sylvia Chavez at schavez3205@gmail.com and Nina Boyd at ninaboydart@gmail.com. Once the class details and photo are complete, Sylvia will post the class on our website. Nina and/or Sylvia will post and promote on our Facebook and Instagram pages. You are welcome to advertise on your social media also.
4. Flyers, Sign-up Sheets, Supply List:
Flyers- you’ll need two, one for the gallery class sign-up desk, and one for the front window. If you need help making these, please contact Renée.
Gallery sign-up sheet – you’ll need one on the class sign-up table in the gallery. You can make your own or use the form set up in Publisher on the gallery computer. Please include the same info as you provided for the website, including a contact name/number. Participants can also contact you directly, and then a signup sheet isn’t needed.
Supply list – make a list of supplies the participants will need. You can make a list in Word and then duplicate it (size can be 3 or more per page then cut up). You will leave these with the signup sheets in the gallery.
Payment for class/workshop – ALL payments must be given to the instructor directly. The gallery does not process class payments.
5. Robison Studio Fees
Payment is due on the week or day of the class. Use the Robison Studio Fees form. Payment may be made in the gallery by credit card, check or cash. Payment may also be mailed (payable to LCAC) and sent to LCAC PO Box 878, Lodi, CA 95241.
Studio fees for instructor: Member- $25 for ½ day (up to 4 hours) or $50 for whole day (4 + hours) or 25% of class fees collected.
Fees for non-member: $50 for ½ day up to 4 hours) or $100 for a whole day (4 + hours).
6. Non-member instructors will need to choose a time when the gallery is open (Fri-Sun, 11am-4pm) and has a staffing member or pay an additional fee of $20 to have a member open, staff during that time, process any necessary payments, and close the gallery.