
The 63RD Annual

Spring Art Show

Saturday, April 5 & Sunday, April 6, 2025

12PM – 4PM

Durst Winery and Estates
10173 Acampo Rd | Acampo, CA  95220


Art Show with 150 + Pieces of Art/Sculpture/3D
♪ Popular Music ♪
Todo’s Grill with Chef Ivan
Desserts • Wine Tasting • Raffle


Art Show
♪ Great Music ♪
Desserts • Wine Tasting • Raffle

Award Ceremony 3:30PM - 4PM

Funds raised are used to support Lodi Community Art Center’s ongoing programs for adults, kids, teens, and the community.


  • Pamela Aberle ....... Water Media ....... Foothill Wildflowers ....... $400

    Kristina Anderson ....... Acrylic ....... The Little Way ....... $200

    Kristina Anderson ....... Acrylic ....... Sunflowers ....... $115

    Margarita Anderson ....... Acrylic ....... Roses in Asian Vase ....... $225

    Margarita Anderson ....... Acrylic ....... Still Life with Roses ....... $150

    Margarita Anderson ....... Acrylic ....... Rose with Persimmon ....... $150

    Kristina Anderson ....... Acrylic ....... Filoli Gardens ....... $200

    Margarita Anderson ....... Acrylic ....... Roses and Apricots ....... $150

    Jan Atwood-Ramey ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Look This Way Now ....... $300

    Jan Atwood-Ramey ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Fourteen ....... $500

    Jan Atwood-Ramey ....... Water Media ....... Hush ....... $450

    Jan Atwood-Ramey ....... Water Media ....... Make Lemonade ....... $300

    Jan Atwood-Ramey ....... Water Media ....... The Beets ....... $300

    Jan Atwood-Ramey ....... Water Media ....... Salusky ....... $450

    Pam Avery ....... Acrylic ....... Blue Deep ....... $1,000

    Pam Avery ....... Mixed Media ....... Balancing Act ....... $875

    Linda Ball ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... My Quiet Place ....... $200

    Linda Ball ....... Oil ....... Controlling Her Demon ....... $1,500

    Anna Barber ....... Photography ....... Magnolia Montage ....... $150

    Anna Barber ....... Photography ....... Kitty in Dogwoods ....... $150

    Anna Barber ....... Photography ....... Preston Castle Reflections ....... $500

    Anna Barber ....... Photography ....... Mums Bouquet with Cat ....... $300

    Renie Bartman ....... Photography ....... Pismo Sunset ....... $450

    Richard Beebe ....... Photography ....... Midnight Shadow Man ....... $175

    Richard Beebe ....... Photography ....... Sycamore Grove, Tidy Tip ....... $200

    Stephanie Berry ....... Photography ....... Comi Con Eyes ....... $200

    Beth Brampton ....... Water Media ....... Song of the Reef ....... $500

    Alyn Brereton ....... Photography ....... Overboard ....... $950

    Denise Clark ....... Oil ....... The Heather Farm ....... $675

    Denise Clark ....... Oil ....... Fall Glow ....... $600

    Denise Clark ....... Oil ....... Lasting Beauties ....... $300

    Randy Crimmel ....... 3D Sculpture ....... In the Realm of Three ....... $350

    Randy Crimmel ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Untitled Sculptural Vessel ....... $280

    Jessica De La Torre ....... Acrylic ....... Inner Light ....... $480

    Jessica De La Torre ....... Functional Art ....... Ay Caray, Don Ramon ....... $3,500

    George Dillon ....... Oil ....... Chasing My Demons ....... $150

    Elena Doronkina ....... Mixed Media ....... Blooming Out of Reality: Poppies ....... $1,000

    Elena Doronkina ....... Oil ....... Dedication to Serves ....... $2,000

    Elena Doronkina ....... Oil ....... Its Not Just a High School Choir, It’s Friends ....... $2,500

    Linda Douglas ....... Mixed Media ....... Consumed ....... $300

    Marilyn Eger ....... Oil ....... I Love Red ....... $525

    Marilyn Eger ....... Oil ....... Memories of Mom ....... $3,000

    Marilyn Eger ....... Oil ....... Peach Blossoms 2 ....... $995

    Marilyn Eger ....... Oil ....... Isolation in a Crowd ....... $995

    Marilyn Eger ....... Oil ....... Peach Blossom 1 ....... $4,000

    Susan Farley ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Amid the Waves ....... $223

    Susan Farley ....... 3D Sculpture ....... I Love Red! ....... $188

    Susan Farley ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Creative Explosion!! ....... $323

    Kathleen S. Farros ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Goddess of the Sea Chained ....... $2,850

    Kathleen S. Farros ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Topping the Food Chain ....... $425

    Kathleen S. Farros ....... Mixed Media ....... Challenging Destiny ....... $725

    Diedre Ferrari ....... Mixed Media ....... Riding Horses ....... $1,700

    John Fitzhugh ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Lil’ Vic ....... $3,500

    John Fitzhugh ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Looking for Lunch ....... $2,000

    Barbara Gill ....... Water Media ....... Dusted Half Dome ....... $500

    Barbara Gill ....... Water Media ....... Cascading Rocks ....... $400

    Lisa Goldman ....... Mixed Media ....... Spring Bouquet ....... $175

    Lisa Goldman ....... Mixed Media ....... Journey ....... $325

    Mayolo Gomez ....... Oil ....... Blue Laces 2 ....... $1,250

    Mayolo Gomez ....... Oil ....... Billete Grande ....... $1,500

    Mayolo Gomez ....... Oil ....... ManEater ....... $550

    Mayolo Gomez ....... Oil ....... Madre Mia, Madre De ....... $1,250

    Mayolo Gomez ....... Oil ....... Mother Save Me, Please ....... $4,200

    Chella Gonsalves ....... Oil ....... Little Tugboat, Wimpy’s ....... $500

    Chella Gonsalves ....... Oil ....... Laity ....... $450

    Chelsea Grawrock ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Time ....... $300

    Dawn Gums ....... Mixed Media ....... Harmony ....... $3,750

    Emerson Gusto ....... Acrylic ....... Lodi Arch ....... $450

    Emerson Gusto ....... Acrylic ....... California Floral ....... $450

    Emerson Gusto ....... Oil ....... Glass Beach Fort Bragg ....... $750

    Kathleen Hall ....... Oil ....... Chase Me! ....... $600

    Kathleen Hall ....... Oil ....... Capturing the Moment ....... $225

    Vance Hanna ....... Oil ....... Morro Rock in Fog ....... $400

    Marianne Harris ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... The Photo Bomber ....... $1,295

    Marianne Harris ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Wassup? ....... $1,485

    Marianne Harris ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... The Waylander ....... $1,485

    Susan Helms ....... Photography ....... Something About Lodi 7 ....... $145

    Susan Helms ....... Photography ....... SF Essentials 11 ....... $145

    Susan Helms ....... Photography ....... Something About Lodi 4 ....... $145

    Caroline Henry ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Plash of Water, Flash of Gold ....... $400

    Jennifer Howell ....... Water Media ....... Sorrows ....... $400

    Norbert G. Huston ....... Photography ....... Samantha Fish @ The Venue ....... $145

    Norbert G. Huston ....... Photography ....... Eric Gales @ The Venue ....... $195

    Omid Izadi ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Jerry the Giraffe ....... $1,100

    Omid Izadi ....... Mixed Media ....... Forever Lili ....... $2,100

    Joey Johnson ....... Photography ....... Hawk Yoga ....... $250

    Joey Johnson ....... Photography ....... Nature’s Palette - Ocean and Rock ....... $300

    Joey Johnson ....... Photography ....... Nature’s Artwork - Wind and Tides ....... $300

    Joey Johnson ....... Photography ....... Ancestral Puebloan Dwellings, Canyon de Chelly ....... $250

    Beverly Kay ....... Mixed Media ....... Tranquility ....... $650

    Beverly Kay ....... Water Media ....... Stormy ....... $250

    Beverly Kay ....... Water Media ....... Tree Line ....... $200

    Patricia Kennedy ....... Oil ....... Sunlit Waterlily A ....... $325

    Patricia Kennedy ....... Oil ....... Sunlit Waterlily B ....... $325

    Patricia Kennedy ....... Oil ....... Drifting Lilies ....... $425

    Patricia Kennedy ....... Oil ....... Sterling Sunset ....... $1,800

    Al Kidwell ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Symphony of Motion ....... $200

    Al Kidwell ....... 3D Sculpture ....... On the Water ....... $75

    Al Kidwell ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Power of the Imagination ....... $150

    Kathryn Knightsby ....... Acrylic ....... Simple Things ....... $345

    Kathryn Knightsby ....... Acrylic ....... Paddy ....... $450

    Mark Knize ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Doodle ....... $1,300

    Mark Knize 3D ....... Sculpture ....... Mid Century Walnut Wood Bowl ....... $120

    Joy Kuo ....... Water Media ....... Autumn ....... $300

    Lidia Lepe ....... Acrylic ....... Serenade of the Cypress ....... $350

    Dita Lewis-Panter ....... Functional Art ....... Friesian Horse Platter ....... $150

    Dita Lewis-Panter ....... Functional Art ....... Water Horse Platter ....... $125

    Donald Macko ....... Oil ....... Golden Hills ....... $600

    Dave Manousos ....... Acrylic ....... Road Trip ....... $750

    Dave Manousos ....... Acrylic ....... Compliments of the Chef ....... $650

    Dave Manousos ....... Acrylic ....... Sleuth ....... $1,250

    Dave Manousos ....... Acrylic ....... Lives Entwined ....... $750

    Becky Masters ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Shore Bird ....... $75

    Becky Masters ....... Mixed Media ....... The Queen and Her Gold ....... $275

    Jerrod Mays ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Iron Butterfly ....... $5,500

    Geneva Mello ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Self Portrait 2024 ....... $610

    Cynthia Minoli ....... Mixed Media ....... Grace In Motion ....... $1,200

    Linda Nunes ....... Oil ....... Happy Could Be Plan B ....... $800

    Linda Nunes ....... Oil ....... Yellow in Stages II ....... $800

    Darrell O’Sullivan ....... Photography ....... Trappist 1e ....... $250

    Darrell O’Sullivan ....... Photography ....... African Cultural Masks ....... $250

    Darrell O’Sullivan ....... Photography ....... Point Reyes Cypress Tree Tunnel ....... $250

    Darrell O’Sullivan ....... Photography ....... Young Dragons ....... $250

    Darrell O’Sullivan ....... Photography ....... Rainy Reflection ....... $250

    Rob Ramey ....... Photography ....... Peggy’s Cove Birds ....... $269

    Renee Rondon ....... Oil ....... Spicer Reservoir II ....... $475

    Renee Rondon ....... Oil ....... Curlews at Low Tide ....... $475

    Renee Rondon ....... Oil ....... Around the Bend ....... $575

    Carolyn Irene Santos ....... 3D Sculpture ....... Carnevale Maschera ....... $895

    Carolyn Irene Santos ....... Water Media ....... Kraken ....... $350

    Gay Saunders ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Into the Light ....... $750

    Gay Saunders ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... View from the Shore ....... $400

    Gay Saunders ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Judy’s Rose ....... $225

    Gay Saunders ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Blush of Spring ....... $225

    Gay Saunders ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Three Lilies ....... $275

    Shirley Sharp ....... Oil ....... Sharp Farms ....... $5,000

    Shirley Sharp ....... Oil ....... Valley of the Setting Sun ....... $1,500

    Shirley Sharp ....... Oil ....... Pacific Breakers ....... $900

    Steven Showers ....... Water Media ....... Pearl with the Girl Earring ....... $450

    Henrietta Sparkman ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Periphery ....... $750

    JC Strote 3D ....... Sculpture ....... Blue Butterfly Garden Stake ....... $185

    JC Strote 3D ....... Sculpture ....... Hands of Many Colors ....... $175

    JC Strote ....... Functional Art ....... Green & Yellow Glass Top Garden Table ....... $225

    JC Strote ....... Functional Art ....... Red Graffiti Charcuterie Set ....... $240

    Dean Taylor ....... Photography ....... Fredonia Rust ....... $200

    Dean Taylor ....... Photography ....... Dalmatian Pelican ....... $200

    Dean Taylor ....... Photography ....... Spires and Shadows ....... $200

    Dean Taylor ....... Photography ....... Rust Abstract ....... $200

    Kathleen Thomas ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Kid Crowd ....... $500

    Kathleen Thomas ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Reflections ....... $300

    Kathleen Thomas ....... Water Media ....... Fruit of the Vine ....... $300

    Kathleen Thomas ....... Water Media ....... Fly By ....... $150

    Kathleen Thomas ....... Water Media ....... Fluid Motion ....... $450

    Rochelle Tietze ....... Acrylic ....... Lemons and Tea ....... $500

    Rochelle Tietze ....... Acrylic ....... A Good Book ....... $500

    Barbara Utting ....... Mixed Media ....... Four Yellow Squares ....... $650

    Barbara Utting ....... Mixed Media ....... Rodeo Lagoon ....... $300

    Barbara Utting ....... Mixed Media ....... Fog ....... $675

    Lucille van Ommering ....... Photography ....... Sunset, Matchbook Winery, Zamora ....... $200

    Lucille van Ommering ....... Photography ....... Undulating Almond Trees ....... $200

    Lucille van Ommering ....... Photography ....... A Capital Fourth ....... $200

    Gert van Ommering ....... Photography ....... A Barn in Fantasyland ....... $150

    Gert van Ommering ....... Photography ....... Silodelic ....... $150

    Lucille van Ommering ....... Photography ....... Dusk, Hopi Point ....... $200

    Gert van Ommering ....... Photography ....... Mount Diablo Sunset Glow ....... $150

    Lucille van Ommering ....... Photography ....... Abandoned Bridge, Old Mt. Aukum Road ....... $200

    Gert van Ommering ....... Photography ....... Springtime Expressionism in the Foothills ....... $150

    Rose White ....... Acrylic ....... Flesh and Fabric ....... $500

    Taylor Wick ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Jason ....... $10,000

    Taylor Wick ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Cassie ....... $15,000

    Justine Wilson ....... Photography ....... Bouganvilla ....... $225

    Justine Wilson ....... Photography ....... Chased by a Wave ....... $275

    Justine Wilson ....... Photography ....... Daffodils ....... $275

    Jessica Wright ....... Drawing, Graphics, Pastel ....... Unbothered ....... $100

    Lynette Zeiter …… Oil …… Pair of Persimmons …… $650

    Marilyn Zinner …… 3D Sculpture …… Sway with Me …… $450

  • The Spring Art Show has a variety of items that you, as a supporter of the arts may be interested in contributing to.  We always expect it to be an exciting, professional, and fun event for everyone.  To accomplish this, your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Sponsorship of art and the monetary prizes gives you the option to hand that award to the artist.  Other ways to help are to sponsor all or part of our expenses such as printing/mailing, reception costs such as cake or wine, advertising (this helps with sales), and many other items.  

    A cash donation is tax deductible.  It also helps LCAC's continued effort to bring classes to our youth, teens and other events to the community.  A donation of any amount whether $20, $100, $500 or more is always appreciated.  

    Thank you very much,

    Renee Rondon

    Show Chairperson


  • December - February 14: Early bird entries

    Sunday, March 9: Last day to enter show

    Saturday, March 15: Accepted art posted on website

    Friday, March 28: All shipped art to arrive by this day

    Thursday, April 3: Art receiving at Durst Winery from 12PM - 4PM

    Sat-Sun - April 5 - 6: Show open to public from 12PM - 4PM

    Sunday, April 6: Awards ceremony at 3PM; Artists pick up work from 4-4:45 PM at Durst



  • The comments heard most often about her paintings are "they make me feel joyful," "lift my spirits," and "they are filled with a sense of light and lightness." As an artist who is constantly looking for the beauty of light in every subject, this is music to her ears. As a person who is wildly optimistic about life and positive about the future, she is thrilled her paintings reflect this "joie de vivre" attitude and bring joy to her collector. Janette uses a strong sense of design, personal color mixes and an intimate point of view to create her distinct style.

  • I am primarily a ceramic sculptor but have worked with printmaking, acrylic painting cyanotypes, collage, wool fiber, bronze, welded metal sculptures, batik, and sewn soft sculptures out of old sweaters. I think like many artists, I have a tendency to hoard, which I battle against daily. I abhor clutter, but I scrutinize every bit of detritus for its potential as part of an art project.

    There are many artists who create magnificent works of art that challenge our ideas about the world, make us question our beliefs, our way of living, our customs and traditions, push us to think and see the world differently -- all worthy goals. I occasionally make forays into those realms, sometimes subtly, sometimes less so; however, my primary goal is simple: I want my art to make me smile. If it makes someone else smile, too, that's great. There are times when I feel so oppressed by the problems of the world, the problems of everyday life, that I think the best thing I can do is bring a smile to someone.


  • David Peterson, a signature member of Northern California Arts, Inc., and a past President of WASH Inc., has paintings in private collections across the country. Since 2002, the artist has been accepted into dozens of state-wide juried shows and has won over 100 awards. He has been accepted into California State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit, Sacramento, 2007, 2009, 2011-2019, 2022-24. The artist was honored to have been a Yosemite Art Center visiting artist 2012-17. 

    He was a staff member at Sacramento Fine Arts Center through 2018. He is presently a volunteer at the Arts Center and a Board Member of NCA Inc.  His work can be seen at Sacramento Fine Arts Center in Carmichael, Rancho Cordova City Hall, the MACC and Elk Grove Fine Arts Center and various regional art shows and venues. 

    The artist portrays the familiar scenes of our neighborhood in a humorous and enigmatic way. He shows you California landmarks, including urban scenes, the American River, and our neighborhood differently, simply and in a unique manner.

    The artist has been a participant in Lodi Community Art Center’s activities including showing, teaching and judging shows.

    Email: aquacolorist@yahoo.com
    Website: www.aquacolorist.com